2018 活動紀錄
- 2018 Servas Traveler 來台接待紀錄
- 2018/12/21-23 India annual general meeting
- 恭喜會員Pamela Yang 當選Servas International Development Committee
- 2018/12/16 Servas第四季活動「從台灣走向世界,帶世界認識台灣:2018遇見Servas精彩故事」 (活動照片)
- 2018/10/13-20 Servas全球大會, Servas International Conference and General Assembly - SICOGA 2018(活動照片)
- 2018/10/13-20 Servas全球大會, 3/31前報名! Servas International Conference and General Assembly - SICOGA 2018, register by 31 Mar.!
- 2018/10/11-19 2018全球大會徵求18-30歲青年志工,審核通過者可獲旅行補助,5/27前報名 Grants for young people to attend SICOGA 2018
- 2018/09/15-23 Servas India 接待您入住家中歡慶象神節 / Servas India invite you attend Lord Ganesha Festival
- 2018/08/26-09/01 Servas國際青年夏令營@葡萄牙 (International Youth Servas Summer Camp Portugal)
- 2018/08/24-26 Servas China 年會行程/Servas China AGM detailed itinerary
- 2018/08/24-26 Servas China年會@湖北/ Servas China Annual Conference@Hubei
- 2018/08/19台中分享會(活動照片)
- 2018/06/23 Servas 仲夏歡樂日(活動照片)
- 2018/06/04-9 Servas菁英營@西班牙/Servas Course on collective intelligence techniques in Spain
- 2018/05/25-31 Servas Russia meeting 俄羅斯會議,歡迎參加
- 2018/05/21-27 Servas Israel International Meeting, register by 28 Feb 以色列國際會議,02/28前報名
- 2018/03/17跟著Servas瘋愛爾蘭Let's Have Fun in St. Patrick’s Day@Taipei (活動照片)
Servas Taiwan International