2016Taipei World stamp championship exhibition Dear all, 九年前曾來台的Servas加拿大會員John+Alexandra 在台灣曾有一段精彩旅程,他們的台灣之行寫了13頁的報告,告訴國際總部,以後台灣人到各國旅行,實在應鋪紅地毯接待,可見他們對於Servas Taiwan留下的深刻印象。 現在他們要來台灣參加「台北2016世界郵展」了,http://taipei2016.post.gov.tw/post/taipei2016/Default.jsp John是國際集郵聯合會的重要人物,這次是國際集郵界的盛事,John表示很樂意為大家導覽這次的郵票選美競賽,時間是10/22周六下午400-6:00(免門票 ),協會另安排當天晚上6:30在台北101鼎泰豐和其聚餐,每人費用約500元,有興趣參加的朋友,請在10/19周三下午6:00前email:[email protected] 告知想參加郵展或晚餐(已在Servas line上報名者,不用再email報名),及人數。 兩場活動分別是4:00 和 6:30在世貿一館信義路大門集合,歡迎會員帶朋友參加,朋友如為非會員也歡迎哦! Mei Wang National Secretary of Servas TaiwanDear all, John and Alexandra from Servas Canada had a splendid journey in Taiwan 9 years ago. They even turned in a 13 page report to the Servas headquarter, sharing the trip in Taiwan and mentioning that no matter to which countries the Taiwanese traveler, they should be welcomed with best hospitality. From that we can see how much they were impressed by Servas Taiwan!Now they are coming to Taiwan to attend 2016 World Stamp Championship Exhibition at Taipei. (http://taipei2016.post.gov.tw/post/taipei2016/Default.jsp) John is the key person in FIP (Fédération Internationale de Philatélie). Since this is an important event, John is very willing to introduce this international beauty contest of stamp to us on 22 October from 16:00-18:00. (Free of charge) Besides, Servas Taiwan would arrange a dinner party on the same day at 18:30 in DinTaiFung at Taipei 101 (NT$500 per person).If you are interested in participation for these activities, please reply this mail by 18:00 on Wednesday, 19 October, 2016. Remember to confirm the number of participant to either the exhibition or dinner party. Non Servas members are also welcome. Meeting place are both at the front door of Taipei World Trade Center 1, beside XinYi Road. (16:00 for exhibition /18:30 for dinner party) If you already registered in Servas Line Group, it’s not necessary to send the mail again. Thank you! Mei Wang National Secretary of Servas Taiwan Fifi Wu General Secretary of Servas Taiwan 活動相片
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