dear all GS/Key people exco members and presidents ,
May i request you to publish/ circulate in servas members in your country . We will be having our annual general meeting , those servas members are traveling those days in India or want to travel to India are most welcome to attend our AGM. as observer. Cost mentioned in following invitation letter is in rupees . it comes to 70 $ The participants from abroad can pay registration fee on arrival to avoid bank charges . below is an invitation with details of our AGM Dear all members and families of Servas, I am happy to announce our annual general meeting on accordance with the decision made by executive committee. The AGM. It will be held at the hill station and at international conference center MRA Initiative of Change in Panchagani. Dates ... 21 st to 23 rd December 2018 . Friday to Sunday . Agenda ... will be sent separately later to participants . Near by places ..... Asia's second largest table land, Beautiful hill station of Mahabaleshawar is just 20 km. away, you can also reach to beautiful Konkan beaches on west coast in 3 hrs time . How to reach...... plenty of buses from pune < 3 hrs> , Mumbai < 6 hrs > , satara < 1 hrs.> and kolhapur < 3 hrs >. air ports are at Pune and Mumbai. when to reach and leave ...... you will be welcome on 21 st after 3.00 pm. you can plan to leave on 23 rd after lunch do visit concerned websites < for more information > Registration ........ attached registration form to be filled and send back . facilities/support from iofc < mra > center Twin sharing attached toilet rooms , tea, breakfast, lunch and dinner on scheduled time . Equipped conference hall, administrative support , Few input sessions with fun, songs , documentary film . walking visit to table land etc Registration fees ....... since work of MRA and servas is for peace and for good cause, we will have to pay only Rs 3540/per person as a subsidized cost for above time slot. funding for registration ...... if any Servas indian member is interested to attend and not able to pay fees for registration he/she may apply to NS . Executive committee if possible will consider such applications . International Servas members will also be informed about this AGM and we may have a few participants from international community as observers. Note. ... only Servas member and their families can register for AGM . One can become member before registration by following membership procedure. for any query ,feel free to communicate with me Looking forward to see you in Panchagani. Together we will achieve the goals My best regards to you all With Peace Love and Metta
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Dear friends and members, Servas China has distributed the information about our 2018 annual conference. We are very happy to receive many inquiries and applications. Here we are presenting the detailed itinerary for the confere, the pre-conference activity, and the post-conference activities.. Again, thank you for your attention and see you in China.
Best Yours Jack R.Huang National Secretary | Servas China (mainland) Email:[email protected] | Email:[email protected] Mobile: +86-18302039139 |
Servas Taiwan International