Good day! This year Servas Russia holds two international meetings: the traditional one in June and dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Servas in August. We invite you and members of your organization to visit us in Russia. The limit of each meeting is 30 people. In the attached files you will find the invitations with the program, the registration forms, video about the territory where the meetings will take place, video about the first international meeting in Russia and reviews of its participants. the natioanal secretary of Servas Russia
Best wishes Iuliia Mezenina! mobile/whatsapp +79961829072 skype jmezenina 11 reasons to visit the Urals.mp4 (94541683) about the 1st meeting.mp4 (273023409) 【六月會議 報名表】(點擊開啟) 【八月會議 報名表】(點擊開啟) 【八月會議 活動說明】(點擊開啟)
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Servas Taiwan International