2023/01/14第六屆Servas東亞線上會議,壯麗香港,全球驚嘆 English version see below 由台灣推動促成的Servas第六屆Servas東亞線上會議,2023年1月14日台北時間晚間7:00登場,吸引全球五大洲26國126位會員報名參加,這次 主題是The Natural Beauty of Hong Kong,香港會員Polly以短影片介紹香港壯闊的海洋,陡峭的岩壁,可以從事潛水、攀岩等上山下海的活動,讓與會者驚嘆連連。 有別於多數人對香港的印象─購物、美食天堂,這次Servas香港介紹不為人知的香港自然之美,讓來自全球的Servas會員驚呼,從未見過如此的香港,現場詢問Polly各項戶外活動資訊,以色列會長Claudia在讚嘆之餘,決定組訪問團,和香港進行文化交流。 小組討論時間,平均一組約有6位來自不同區域會員,以「您的國家有何不為人知的隱藏寶藏hidden gems」為主題,進行討論與分享。其中,印度會長Abhay分享他頭上戴的「甘地帽」(Gandhi cap),當年爭取印度脫離英國獨立的印度國父甘地,呼籲印度人民拒絕使用來自殖民宗主國英國的工業生產棉,改用印度的手紡卡迪棉,以扶植在地經濟,擺脫對英國的依賴,甘地以身做則戴卡迪棉製成的白色小帽,因此風行於印度,直至現在,甘地帽成為延續甘地精神的象徵,常在街頭運動中出現。 以色列會長Claudia分享,小組討論時發現,小組成員都認為,Servas也有不為人知的隱藏寶藏hidden gems,就是可以住到其他國家的會員家,和在地會員一起煮飯、吃飯、聊天、活動,以致於成為旅行時最美好的時光,應該讓更多人知道。 由於中國新年即將到來,抽獎活動中特別準備3個紅包福袋做為禮物,抽中者可 以和Pollly一起游泳、潛水、登山,另有香港明信片大放送。 由於這是6場東亞線上會議的最後一場,讓不少人覺得離情依依,新任的總部Peace Secretary,墨西哥籍的Francisco宣佈,總會已任命東亞輪值主席,同時也是台灣榮譽理事長Mei Wang為共同Peace Secretary,因此將請Mei延續東亞線上會議的模式,舉辦Servas Peace Forum和平論壇,每季一次於線上舉行,讓大家可以繼續交流,首場和平論壇將於4月22日登場,歡迎大家一起上線繼續交流。 錯過這場交流會議的朋友可上Youtube觀看:https://www.youtube.com/@servastaiwan265 2023/01/14 The 6th Servas East Asia Online Meeting, Magnificent Hong Kong, Marveled by the World Organized by Servas Taiwan, the 6th Servas East Asia Online Meeting was held on Jan. 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm Taipei time, attracting 126 members from 26 countries on five continents to register this meeting. The theme of this meeting is the Natural Beauty of Hong Kong. Hong Kong member Polly introduced Hong Kong's magnificent ocean and steep rock walls with 3 short videos, which can engage in activities such as diving and rock climbing, which amazed the participants. Different from most people's impression of Hong Kong - a shopping and gourmet paradise, this time Servas Hong Kong introduced the unknown natural beauty of Hong Kong, which made Servas members from the world exclaim that they have never seen Hong Kong like this, and asked Polly about the information of various outdoor activities. Claudia, National Secretary of Israel, decided to organize a visiting group to have cultural exchanges with Hong Kong after admiring it. In small group discussion session, an average 6 members from different regions each group, discussed and shared with the theme of "hidden gems in your country". Abhay, the National Secretary of India, shared the "Gandhi cap" on his head. Gandhi, the father of India who fought for India's independence from Britain, called on the Indian people to refuse to use industrial cotton from the colonial master Britain and switch to local khadi cotton in India. It will support the local economy and get rid of the dependence on the United Kingdom. Gandhi wore a white cap made by Khadi cotton, so it became popular in India. Until now, the Gandhi cap has become a symbol of continuing Gandhi's spirit and appeared in street protests very often. Claudia, national secretary of Israel, shared that during the small group discussion, the group members all believed that Servas also has hidden gems, which are hidden treasures that are not known to the public, that is, they can live in the homes of members in other countries, and cook, eat, chat, and do activities with local members. So that it becomes the best time when traveling, more people should know about it. As the Chinese New Year is approaching, 3 red envelopes are specially prepared as gifts in the lucky draw. The lucky members will get swimming, diving, hiking with Polly. And 5 Hong Kong postcards are provided for gifts as well. Since this is the last of the 6 East Asia online meetings, some members wish they could have online meetings to join forever. The new Servas International Peace Secretary, Francisco, from Mexico, announced that the EXCO has appointed the area coordinator of East Asia and the honorary chairman of Taiwan, Mei Wang, as the co-Peace Secretary, therefore, Mei will continue the East Asian online meeting mode to create the new “Servas Peace Forum”, which will be held online once a quarter, so that everyone can continue to meet. The first forum will debut on April 22. Welcome everyone to join this online activity together. Members and friends who missed this meeting can watch it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@servastaiwan265
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